Judgement of a Slayers Son - Chapter One - Part Two

  • Judgement Of A Slayers Son

    By: Shimazu

    'That blade you hold, I'm afraid it won't be returning to its sheath bathed in blood. Mine on the other hand will'


    As a warm glow emerged on the horizon, Allian woke Gnaeus. "Son, grab some food and your sword, your bow if you want to. Don't bring it if you are going to hesitate with it, if you bring it I want you sharp as a Bosmer ranger".

    "So where is the place?" Asked Azaril. Allian passed him the note explaining the situation. "Three newly turned? Is that it?" He exclaimed "oh dear it seems we have to report to the Hortator" he joked sarcastically. "Don't be silly Azaril, remember that underestimation will get you killed" spat Ukawei.
    "Little one, or maybe...not so little, are you sure you're ready to spill blood?" Ukawei asked. "No, I am not sure, I will not be sure until it is done" replied Gnaeus. 
    "Enough talking, save it for the road, it's about two hours ride, plenty of time to talk on the way" said Allian.

    Gnaeus put his sword over his shoulder and walked into the garden. 

    "Seriously Allian is this a good idea ?" Ukawei asked. "When is a good time to go and kill someone, brother?" Replied Allian. The three men made for the the door and joined Gnaeus in the garden. Allian had a small stable just over the hill, with just enough room for their four horses. They all mounted their steeds and began the ride. 
    "How are you feeling little one?" Azaril shouted over. Gnaeus didn't reply. His eyes were glazed over, he couldn't stop thinking about what he was about to face, he was excited but hesitant at the same time, the same hesitation that his father said would get him killed.

    After a long ride they arrived at a small village set into a hillside, they made initially for the stables but were intercepted by a very worried looking old man. 
    "Are you Allian?" The old man asked
    "Yes and you are?"
    "Vilius, I sent the note regarding our problem, its out of control! They leave our cattle dead and cause havok with our chicken".
    Azaril could not restrain himself and let out a rather loud chuckle. "It seems we have a bunch of vampire vandals Allian."
    "Ignore my friend here Vilius, do you have any leads?" Asked Allian.
    "Two, we know there are now four of them, one has joined them since I contacted you and I know they reside in a cave by the lakeside" replied Vilius.

    The foursome again continued to the stable and then made their way to the lake. Finding a nice spot facing the cave mouth they sat and discussed how to tackle the situation.
    Azaril stood and proceeded to wade out into the lake, "we should just move in, keep the little one between us, i'll head in first."

    The four made their way through the shallow waters. It was pleasant initially, the crystal clear lake was warmed by the late morning sun, but as they left the suns glow and entered the cave mouth it quickly turned cold.

    The silence was deafening, it seemed as soon as Gnaeus turned the first corner, the cave had been isolated from the rest of Cyrodil. It was dark, darker than anything Gnaeus had ever experienced before. The cave stretched far back into the hill, with wooden supports lining the tunnel. After a minute or so of walking, the tunnel opened out and the glow of a fire illuminated the room. Allian peeked around the corner "as we have been told, there are four, one of them is isolated, Gnaeus, you shoot him first. Then we make our move brothers." 

    This would be the first time Gnaeus had ever engaged anything humanoid. Gnaeus crept forward, bow in one hand and an iron arrow in the other. Gnaeus looked at the vampire, she was Dunmer just like Azaril. He drew his bow which creaked ever so slightly, this still alarmed the others to their presence. An arrow flew past Gnaeus into the Dunmers temple. Ukawei leaped forward over Gnaeus' head wielding two broadswords. Allian and Azaril both ran into the fray but Gnaeus sat still, he couldn't move. Why ? He had been training for this his whole life ? Why could he not simply let go of the arrow ? 

    If you liked this, check out my other blogs !


  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  August 19, 2013
    I do like the idea of the Dunmer and Argonian traveling companions...an odd couple if there every was one!  For some reason I am very nervous...thank goodness you have the next post up already!
  • Lamae
    Lamae   ·  July 12, 2013
    Woot ^__^
  • Shimazu
    Shimazu   ·  July 12, 2013
    Thanks aloaddddd! I'll try and get the next part out this weekend at some point, I have it written already.
  • Lamae
    Lamae   ·  July 12, 2013
    I love it,cant wait for the next part!