Alda'hirakam ghar Ara; Chapter 60

  • Patience. The young mer found it difficult to wait for the Altmer bitch to make her move.  Days and nights felt like an eternity for Ciel’nn while he tried to sleep. He ended up to watching how his partner slept next to him and listening to his breathing. He guarded Teldryn’s sleep. Azura bless this mer.

    Somehow Ciel’nn had sensed Teldryn dreading the encounter. The older mer had been quiet about the Altmer woman and the young mer had caught sight of some vulnerability when Teldryn had looked to him. That look nearly broke something inside of him, and Ciel’nn wasn’t sure if it was about the encounter or himself. Whatever it may be, the young mer swore again to deal with the Altmer bitch.

    Then he realized that the look had been way too familiar to him. He knew it. He knew it more than he liked to. Once he had the look of vulnerability… When he had been at his father’s mercy. Ciel’nn had gritted his teeth together and touched his forehead. Memories of the past swept by. He pushed them aside in anger and felt even more to protect Teldryn. He needed to end the threat so Teldryn wouldn’t need to feel vulnerable again.

    His inner voice demanded immediate action against the threat that Elante presented. He’d have made his move already if it wasn’t for Teldryn. For the older mer, his partner, Ciel’nn was ready to do anything. Even though Teldryn had been right about waiting for Elante to make the first move, Ciel’nn had to admit that it made sense.

    Tenaru visited them to check on them. She found it troubling when discovered the young mer’s seething presence and him playing with his knife. The Alchemist bit her lower lip and sighed. This situation is on a knife edge. Ciel’nn is ready to bolt and shed blood, and Teldryn is worried even if he’s not showing it. This waiting is getting on everyone’s nerves - even mine. She let them know that she’d help them if needed to. Although Tenaru felt her help was imperative. They were going to face a necromancer.

    The Lady had sent them to fetch the mercenary. Sincano didn’t think much as he simply obeyed every command Elante gave them. He glanced at Cirion who had a serious set of eyes. Clearly the mercenary was important for the Lady. But the black haired guard suspected it wasn’t going to be an easy feat. The mercenary wasn’t alone, but his companion was younger - Sincano was prepared for him. Soon this will all be over and we can head back home.

    They approached the gates and Cirion saw the mercenary talking with the blacksmith. His eyes scanned the nearby people. Taking the mercenary would be tricky, but it was early evening. They would have to wait until there were less witnesses. Or, Sincano would use his spell on the mer. The sooner they’d get it done the better. Cirion didn’t want to dally around. The Lady had said once she had seen her plans through, they’d be going back home. Then I can marry her.

    Ciel’nn had seen the guards coming and he had been on alert. But nothing had prepared him for what happened next.

    Sincano strode close the mercenary and stared at him with an even smile. “You’ll come with us.” He glanced at the Breton. “Don’t interfere if you want to live.”

    The blond guard was close to the young mer who reached for his sword. But Cirion was faster and grabbed Ciel’nn’s shoulder, whispering a spell. He watched the mer fall to the ground with a grunt. A hiss came from the mer, but Cirion ignored it.


    Teldryn cursed inwardly as he stared back at the black haired guard. His partner’s outcry meant he was still conscious and there would be bloodshed later if he got up. The guard seemed to say something, then everything went black. The older mer sagged and was grabbed by the guard.

    “Help me Cirion. He’s heavy.” Sincano said.  Together with his fellow guard, they began to drag the mercenary away. Oddly enough, no one seemed to care.

    “Teldryn!” Ciel’nn screamed. He watched as his partner was dragged away. To his death. And, there was nothing he could do. He tried to get up, but his whole body felt heavy as if there was weight on him. He tried to move his legs, but they felt stiff as stone. Fucking spells!   Why is no one helping? Are they under some spell too? His blood boiled as he tried to crawl, but the spell kept him pinned down. “Glover?” He growled, but even the blacksmith didn’t respond to him.

    I need to get up and go after them.

    Stop the ritual…

    Ciel’nn had lost track of time while he lay on the ground, surrounded by his darkened thoughts. Until, a familiar voice called out for him.

    “Ciel’nn? What happened?” Tenaru knelt beside him and flinched as she sensed the spell on the young mer. She frowned, placing her hand on Ciel’nn’s shoulder. “They took Teldryn!” She heard Ciel’nn replying. It sounded all worked up. As if he was under pressure. She nodded. “Hold on, I’ll remove this spell.”

    The Alchemist stood up and began to made some gestures and then pointed her hands toward Ciel’nn. “There. How long has it  been since they took him?” She asked while the young mer got to his feet, slowly.

    “I don’t know, but I have to go.” Ciel’nn nearly hissed and turned to dash away. He needed to be going already. Who knows what the Altmer bitch is doing to his partner. He heard the Alchemist running after him.

    “I’ll come along, Ciel’nn.” Tenaru said and ran beside the young mer. This is what she had craved for - some action and her spells. She felt free when she was casting spells. Oh, my friend Milore, you should see us now. Running to rescue a fellow mer. I need to write you a letter after this mess. But for now we need to focus on the target. Tenaru was more than ready to face the Altmer Necromancer. But more importantly, she would assist Ciel’nn to rescue his companion.

    Kolbjorn barrow was on their left as they rushed up the hill. They turned toward the barrow and saw the two guards coming to stop them as they drew their swords. The black haired guard flashed a cold smile at the young mer.

    Ciel’nn let out a low hiss, but Tenaru looked to him. “I’ll deal with them. You go and stop the ritual. Just wait until they’re close enough.” Ciel’nn grunted, but nodded. His eyes locked on the barrow while they still moved towards it.

    The guards  were close to them and Tenaru signaled for Ciel’nn to dash while she prepared her spells. She saw that Ciel’nn had dashed toward the barrow unchallenged, and then faced the guards. “You’ll have to stop me if you want to stop him, boys.” She said expectedly, taking her stance. Her eyes twinkled as a cool smile settled on her lips. The Alchemist watched the guards taking their places and try to estimate how to deal with her. It brought her a delightful pleasure. She was proud of her Telvanni cousin who had taught her most of spells and more. But she hadn’t needed much of use of them until now. Her eyes followed the black haired guards movements…

    Stop the ritual. Save Teldryn.

    The barrow wasn’t far now as Ciel’nn dashed across the ash field. The Alchemist had volunteered to hold the guard at her own will. It was somewhat puzzling to young mer. He had a tiny worry about her, but it got swallowed by the darker thoughts as he came closer to the barrow. His mind was shrouded and his body tingled after being pressed down. The Alchemist’s dispel had felt refreshing and Ciel’nn briefly wondered how light his step felt.

    He set down the ramp, barely noticing the corpses of the miners and the mercenaries. Light footed he stepped over them until he reached the door and slipped inside.

    He noticed the air was heavy. There was also an ominous presence lingering around. Ciel’nn scowled as he pressed on. He found more corpses on the way as he tried to navigate through the tunnels and alcoves. The presence persisted, making his thinking nearly  impossible. Is that you, Ahzidal? Or is it the bitch?

    Something flashed inside him. His inner-self began to ward the presence away. The sensation wasn’t exactly new. The basement… Ciel’nn walked down another pair of stairs and stopped to listen in.

    The echo was faint, but it was clearly female to Ciel’nn’s keen ears. He slowly turned toward the echo. His eyes narrowed as his muscles tightened in readiness and a tiny smile played on his lips. He set a goal that was solely to end the Altmer’s life. As painfully as possible, Ciel’nn found himself thinking. She will die.

    All for what she has done to Teldryn.

    Another echo. Ciel’nn backtracked his steps and then followed the echo. He found longer stairs down a bit later. He descended them in silence while he kept listening the voice that came closer on each step down. Then he heard another voice that belonged to Ralis. Ciel’nn scowled. A minor detail. The young mer approached the last of the stairs.

    At the entrance the presence was at its strongest, but Ciel’nn ignored it outright as he glanced around the chamber. He found Ralis near the center of the chamber. The ritual skulls were in a circle to the left from the center, and on the right side of the chamber was Teldryn. He was on his knees, his head hanging, and seemed to be bound in place with a spell. Ciel’nn didn’t know if he was alive or dead yet. “Teldryn!”

    She will pay.

    From the opposite side of the entrance and the shadows, emerged Elante in her dark robes. She had vicious look on her face as it twisted in anger. “Ralis! Kill him!” She commanded. No one can stop the ritual. Not when I’m so close to rise in the power.

    Ciel’nn’s head snapped from Elante to Ralis, who approached him with a bloodied pick-axe. He let out a low hiss as he grabbed an abandoned pick-axe from the dusty ground and prepared to face the digger.

    “Sorry. Must obey the Lady.” Ralis said as he came at Ciel’nn with speed with his pick-axe. He swung it and the young mer dodged with a fluid motion, but the digger came at him again. He heard the young mer hiss as his slash had hit his waist. “Leave, kid! You don’t want— “

    His waist will be bruised later, but it didn’t stop him. With a growl Ciel’nn raised his pick-axe and brought it down with as much power as he could. The digging tool pierced through the digger’s leg. But Ciel’nn wasn’t finished yet. He yanked the pick-axe free and raised it in the air and slammed it horizontally into Ralis face. There was a sound of bone cracking and the digger fell down.

    Ciel’nn discarded his pick-axe and turned to face the Altmer woman. From corner of his eyes he saw that Teldryn still didn’t move. Not knowing if his love was alive or dead already made him uneasy. To see him in such a state — anger and fury flashed through him. He had the bitch near by him and the enclosure was even closer.

    The Altmer Necromancer walked close to the center.  “Ralis was always incompetent. But never mind about that. Soon you will join with everyone who died here.” She gestured to a pile of bones and a draugr rose with a grunt. “Finish him!” Elante commanded her skeleton warrior.

    A low grunt escaped through Ciel’nn’s throat as he watched the draugr hurrying toward him. A necromancer as her journal indicated. In a way, she reminded him of his old man. Ciel’nn grimaced, taking his sword and focused on the draugr. He remembered the ritual skulls on the left side. I need to disturb their order. An idea began to take root in his mind.

    In his mind, Ciel’nn fought against the memory of his old man. It was like facing his father all over again. Even in his death, Maltrys haunted him. I can’t fall for my fears now. I need to end Elante for good and take care of Teldryn if he’s still alive.

    But from the memories he found a trace of something else that gave him strenght to fight the despair that threatened to take over his mind. It was the faintest of whispers that reached him. It was the whisper he had forgot. Ciel’nn gritted his teeth together, his eyes on the draugr  and his heart racing.

    Grunting and creaking the draugr slashed at the young mer, who parried the slash. Ciel’nn heard another draugr rising to its feet. I need to be done with this soon. Teldryn needs me. He slashed at the draugr in a fluid motion. The Draugr cackled on the impact, but the young mer slashed again and again. The cackling stopped and the draugr crumbled down.

    Ciel’nn grabbed a single bone and rolled aside, then threw it toward the ritual skulls. On impact, one of the skulls broke into pieces while others scattered around, mildly damaged. He ignored Elante’s infuriated shout. Then he climbed on his feet and hissed at the pain in his waist. That s’wit!

    The second draugr was getting closer to him now. It had raised it’s battle axe in the air, ready to kill the young mer.

    Elante grunted in displeasure. The lowly mer had defeated her minions. She made a gesture toward Ciel’nn. “Assist me!” This should stop him.

    Ciel’nn watched in horror how a Dremora Lord appeared before him. It growled at him. He backed away hastily and snarled. Boethiah help me! He stepped back as he grabbed his backpack and searched for a scroll. His hand grabbed a scroll that Talvas had given him. Ciel’nn’s heart raced. Talvas…I hope this helps. He tossed his backpack away and faced the Dremora Lord. He traced his hand over the scroll and pointed to the space between him and the creature of Oblivion. “Kill for me!” He called out.

    Another Dremora Lord appeared in front of him. The Dremora Lord glanced at him briefly and Ciel’nn felt like he had seen the creature before. His lips parted in a question. “Ta- Taserath?” He whispered and the Dremora Lord only gave him a curt nod. He’s Kliksaath’s ally. How? How’s he here?? He glanced at Elante who looked furious. Thank you, Talvas. For the scroll. He looked to Teldryn and grunted.

    The two Dremora Lords clashed with each other. The amusement was mutual. Their being pitted against each other, but which of the mortals was the smart one remained the question.

    Taserath fought furiously against the other Dremora Lord. He grunted as he slashed at him viciously. Elante’s summoned Dremora Lord did his best, but he was losing fast. Taserath was cunning in his moves and slashes.

    With a final slash, Taserath brought his daedric battle axe down on the other Dremora Lord. He growled as he vanished. Taserath grunted and turned to the young mer. “You’re free to go now.” The mer said to him. Taserath tucked his weapon on his back and grunted again before he vanished from sight.

    The Altmer Necromancer trembled in anger as she watched the young mer looking at her, then walking toward her with a dagger in his hand. She assumed her guards were dead and knew now she was alone. “How dare you to ruin everything!” She shot at him. “I’ll kill you myself!” Elante raised her voice and prepared her spells.

    There were no obstacles in his way now. He knew the bitch would throw spells at him, and for that Ciel’nn was prepared as well as he could. His eyes narrowed as he walked toward her. Elante’s very presence still reminded him of his father. Ciel’nn still kept walking. Then he dashed —

    A ice spike hit his chest and Ciel’nn fell down on one knee. He hissed, then gritted his teeth. The pain was still tolerable, but he began to push it aside. He forced himself up and looked at the Altmer. Closer… He took another step to dash, but could only walk. Closer…

    “You should stay down like the cur you are.” Elante snapped while she watched coldly how the mer still was able to move. She raised her hand for another spell.

    Ciel’nn’s heart beat faster at the words that Elante threw at him. The words were the very same what his old man had used. He tried to put it out of his mind, but found it was harder to do. “You will die.” He hissed in a low tone that was close to a snarl.

    The young mer was close to the Altmer Necromancer, and he prepared to strike. Then he slashed out, feeling he at least made contact with the dagger. He was aware of the coming spell, but he needed to get another slash through. The dagger moved —

    Elante hissed in mild pain on her side and backed away while she cast a thunderbolt at the young mer. She watched the mer fly backward and toward the entrance with a scream. It was a powerful and charged spell. Enough to be lethal for those who were weak, or at least Elante thought so. Letting out a short grunt, she turned to Teldryn. “Now then…”

    The thunderbolt had rendered him weak and strength-less. He lingered near death and couldn’t get up even if he tried. His sight shifted into darkness and back to clearness as he tried to stay conscious. His body had stopped responding to his commands. Teldryn…

    I can’t…move.

    Do you remember, Ciel’nn? His sinister voice asked as if it was in the center of his head.

    Try to remember. No, don’t try to struggle against it.

    Inwardly Ciel’nn frowned and slowly began to remember the voice.

    And the memory that he used cling to.

    You only need to reach for it.

    And Ciel’nn reached out…

    Slowly, Ciel’nn shifted his legs and arms. One limp at time, followed by another one. The pain was distant, but he ignored it for the time being. His breathing was steadying. Ciel’nn pushed himself up, taking his time, while he was starkly aware of the altmer woman nearby.

    The small sound of a hiss came from him when he straightened his back and neck. Injuries that he’d take care of later. His eyes were closed when he was standing and now they slowly opened.

    Elante wasn’t sure what was happening with the young mer. By all means he should be down and unconscious, if not dead. In disbelief, she stared at him when he finally looked to her.

    With his veiled eyes.

    Elante felt her throat constrict as a chill ran down her spine, and her mouth tasted sour. She shook her head, she wouldn’t give into fear. She refused to be afraid of a brat, but that veiled stare was unnerving.

    With the blink of an eye, Ciel’nn made a mad rush, with re-newed energy, toward Elante with a fluid speed. His dagger was ready in his right hand. The pain was distant as he focused on his target. The Altmer Necromancer screamed in terror and cast sparks at him. Ciel’nn grunted as he forced his way through them, vaguely knowing it would hurt later.

    Elante gasped and struggled against the young mer as they fell to the ground.  She hit her head. The Altmer Necromancer screamed as Ciel’nn twisted his dagger in the wound. Her screams changed to a whimper as her heart began to fail. I’m bested by a lowly mer. Auri-El be merciful…

    Ciel’nn didn’t move for a moment as he wanted to make sure the Altmer was really dead. He was holding the dagger as he lay on her, breathing fast. It was quiet in the chamber. He shifted —

    Maltrys had dragged him to the entrance of the basement and thrown him down the stairs. With a snarl, his old man said, “You stay down there like a cur you are. Your mother is not here to help you.” With that he closed the door and locked it.

    Ciel’nn was beaten and his leg hurt. His mind was fragile as he began to give up. In the darkness, all good faded away and despair took root. He believed he wouldn’t last much longer if he was in the hands of the old s’wit.

    He sat in the basement for long hours, slowly accepting his fate. Eventually Maltrys would kill him by an experiment. Nothing didn’t matter anymore.

    Until, a voice called out for him. It sounded close to his own voice, but it was far more than that.
    “You need to be stronger”, The voice said, but it was a whisper from the darkness.

    “Who are you? Are you a ghost?” Ciel’nn asked carefully. The tone of the voice was scary to hear.
    “I am more than a mere ghost, Ciel’nn. Do you want to be stronger?”

    Ciel’nn bit his lower lip and then nodded, uncertain though. “Yes, but I can’t. I’m… weak.”

    A pause before the voice spoke.

    “But, you can.”I can assist you in that.”

    Ciel’nn felt like there was someone in the basement with him, sitting close to him. Actually very close in front of him. He felt vulnerable, but part of him was curious. “How?”

    “You need only to reach out.” The voice replied. “Reach out.” Then it was quiet.

    Ciel’nn frowned. What if he had imagined the whole discussion? He felt very weak and alone. Reach out? How? He pondered for a while.

    Then he decided to try at least.

    Ciel’nn reached out in the darkness.

    And something came forward.

    With a grunt Ciel’nn struggled to get up from the dead Altmer. He calmly tugged the dagger free and straightened his back. Breathing slowly. Then a smirk danced on his lips. I’m no longer in your controlled fear, old ‘S'wit! I’m free of your chains that reach beyond your death! Do you hear me, old shit? I’m free. He rejoiced in silence at his freedom from his past ghosts. I need to get to Teldryn.

    He put his dagger away and shifted to move. “Teldryn!” He managed to take a few steps when the pain caught up with him. He groaned as he collapsed on the ground. “Shit!” The searing pain flashed through his body and he found it impossible to move at all. The pain was very real. Ciel’nn gritted his teeth. “Teldryn! Wake up! I don’t know how to dispel that shit! Teldryn!” He thought to find his backpack but it was on the other side of the chamber. “N’chow!”

    The young mer fought the pain but it was too much to bear and Ciel’nn fell into the darkness. Teldryn…


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