Alda'hirakam ghar Ara; Chapter 24


    A furious ash storm raged across southern Solstheim on that night. Ciel’nn and Teldryn sat around the large brazier at the Steward’s house. Talvas had suggested that they would spend the time inside the mushroom house than outside. Ciel’nn didn’t like it, but he had admitted it was a wise decision. Teldryn agreed. Once they had settled in, Talvas had gone to see Neloth.

    As they were sipping Sujamma, Ciel’nn had told his partner about his past. It wasn’t easy as the young mer’s voice broke off more than couple of times. He also included how he got his scars - the first time he’d fought against the Dremora Lord. The memory of it still stung. “I wonder if it’s ever going to heal.” Ciel’nn said in a quiet tone.

    “You’ve gone through a lot.” The older mer said thoughtfully. Shit, no wonder he’s broken. “Is the Dremora Lord still messing with you?” Teldryn treaded carefully.

    Ciel’nn shook his head. “I don’t know… I hope not. I haven’t seen it for a long time now.” I hope Marquis stays away forever. He involuntarily touched his scars as he remembered those moments of Marquis threatening his life… hurting his friends. If he comes back and… Ciel’nn looked to the older mer.

    “We’ll be ready.” Teldryn reassured his partner as he saw the young mer’s torn expression. “I think that’s enough for tonight. You should — “

    The door opened and cloaked Talvas walked in. “By Azura! Have you ever seen such a storm before?” He removed the cloak and dropped it on a chair. The mage could see the young mer was tired, but he still took the ring out from his pocket.

    “Finally.” Teldryn mused with a grin as he watched the mage sitting on the third chair around the brazier. “We thought you would never get to it.”

    “Master Neloth keeps me busy.” Talvas said, still holding the ring. “With his—”

    “I’d imagine so.” The older mer smirked as he witnessed the mage’s stunned face.

    “So, what does the ring do?” Ciel’nn interjected. He was curious to know what the mage had found out, and if he could use it.

    Talvas sighed and looked to the young mer. “It summons a whirlwind around you when touched.” He’d smile at Ciel’nn reaction - that was a beaming smile - but the mage was still upset for what had happened to Varona. The older mer had told him how they had found her. Now he secretly wished these two mers wouldn’t leave so soon - he’d need their company after Master Neloth’s tasks. They would need a new Steward, and Talvas doubted Ciel’nn would take the role.

    “A ring of whirlwind. Interesting.” Ciel’nn said as he took the ring from the mage. “Thanks, Talvas.” He eyed the ring once before putting it into his pocket. “How are you holding up?” The mage was smiling, but the young mer could tell the mer was close to exhaustion.

    Letting a deep sigh, Talvas shook his head. “I don’t know. I’m… tired. Master Neloth doesn’t have a steward and I’m tasked with all sort of things. And, I don’t think I can teach about runes before things are settled down.” He paused and rubbed his arm. “I don’t suppose you could go to Raven Rock and ask someone to become a steward?” I miss Varona and her scowls.

    Sipping his Sujamma, Teldryn was quiet and observed the two talking. It would seem they would have come back if Ciel’nn decided to go to Raven Rock. I wonder what he’s thinking as we have to help people? When would he get enough of that? The way Ciel’nn frowns, I know he’s considering it.

    The young mer shrugged, leaning against the back of the chair. “I don’t know.” He noted his partner’s look. He might have the idea. When I want to be free, people come begging for help. His gaze turned to stare the brazier. “I’m not promising anything, but we’ll see.” He said in a quiet tone. “I can give you more scrolls if you want?” The young mer heard the mage saying.  “This isn’t about the scrolls anymore, Talvas. Ask again once the storm has passed. I want to rest now.”

    While they all waited for the ash storm to cease, Talvas brought a couple of books for Ciel’nn to read, to pass the time. The pile of assorted books got the young mer interested and he checked each book.

    “Children of the All-Maker.” He mused and looked at the next book. “The Guardian and the Traitor. Interesting... Ha! Look at this! ‘Ahzidal’s descent’. I’m sure that digger Ralis has the same book.” Ciel’nn paused to read something. “Ahzidal was truly a power-hungry enchanter. He even won a seat from the Dragon high priests.” He shook his head slightly.

    He never understood the wizards. Ciel’nn was thankful for being a somewhat normal mer.

    What’s normal anymore?

    “They tend to gaze into Oblivion. I wonder which of the Daedric Princes stares back at them?” Teldryn said, rubbing his chin. His partner looked up from the book to him. “Usually the one that you have pissed off.” The older mer heard Ciel’nn saying in a neutral tone, and he frowned at that. He’s not joking, is he? He observed the damaged look on his partner’s face for a fraction of second before it shifted back to curiosity about the books.

    Ciel’nn stared at the book of the Skaal and thought about the hunters they’d met some days ago. He still thought the netch were to be left alone as they were docile creatures. There was nothing great in hunting the netch. More like cowardice if anyone asked his opinion. Then again, Ciel’nn realized he needed the netch for their jelly. He let out a groan that his partner turn his head. “Those hunters… They hunt the netch.”  The young mer said. “I… I don’t like it, but we need the jelly. They’re just hunting them for fun.”

    “The mighty netch.” Teldryn said in a low tone, and his partner scowled in annoyance. “Come here.” He added with a hint of a smile. The older mer waited until Ciel’nn walked to him with a slight smirk and sat in his lap like before. He pulled his partner closer to him and looked into his eyes. “If you despise them so much — how about this? You take the hunt to them.” His tone was husky. “I’m sure you’ll outshine them, Ciel’nn.”

    Take the hunt to them? Ciel’nn found his gaze locked in with the older mer’s. The huskiness in his the tone was almost too much to handle as was his bewildered heart. His lips parted as if he was going draw breath. The words were lost to him so he leaned in and kissed Teldryn gently. His partners’ arms pulled him even closer and held there.

    Ciel’nn thought he’d lost himself in their fire when Teldryn brushed his hand through his hair and deepened their kiss. He could taste the Sujamma and traces of a flavor of cigarettes he didn’t recognize and the older mer’s own taste that Ciel’nn discovered he needed more. The fact that his partner hadn’t pushed him away was a sign that they had a bond, a stronger bond that he’d never had before. The young mer made a silent promise to keep Teldryn close to him for he had fallen for the bladesman.

    The kiss had left Teldryn dizzy and pleasantly surprised. He had once sworn not to get tangled up with anyone, and yet, somehow, he had fallen under Ciel’nn’s charm. He must be the most charming and daring mer he ever met. A soft chuckle escaped the older mer’s lips. The young mer was resting against his shoulder. He listened to his companion’s breathing. It was soothing as his heart was calming down.

    Teldryn realized that he was blessed with a companion, who’d take him as he was. On some parts, Ciel’nn still was mysterious to him. There would be more opportunities to get to know the younger mer better. Something told the older mer that his partner would be one kind of fighter if their lives were threatened now that their bond was stronger. And, Ciel’nn wouldn’t let go of him.

    The ash storm passed in the morning of the fourth day, and Talvas was seeing the two mer leaving Tel Mithryn. He had seen them being close to each other, but hadn’t said anything. Losing Varona still hurt the mage and he had no intention to ruin someone’s else happiness. Perhaps he would bring happiness to his Master Neloth. Talvas shook his head. Get your shit together, Talvas! “Hurry back, or send whoever agrees to the terms.” He said. I’ll try not to lose my mind with the Master.

    “If anyone wants to.” Ciel’nn replied with a smirk.

    The ash dunes were higher after the storm, Ciel’nn had noted as they strolled across the ash wastes. The wind had spread it so the southern area of Solstheim wouldn’t drown in the ash. Or, so the young mer pondered the view. I wonder if Sildras and his gang survived the storm? But, he didn’t want to go check on them. They were reavers and Ciel’nn wasn’t sure how Teldryn would react to them and his dealings with them. The more he thought about it, the more he wished he didn’t see the reavers.

    “What’s on your mind?” Teldryn asked in a soft tone when his partner hadn’t said anything for a while. It seemed the young mer still kept most of his worries inside him. I need to get him talking. Is he still afraid that I might leave? “Reavers.” He heard Ciel’nn saying. “What about them?” The older mer prompted.

    Ciel’nn turned his head to look at his partner. “I made a deal with one gang when the hogger was still around.” He sighed. “So, they would stay out of my way.” His partner frowned.

    “Have you lost your mind?” The older mer was more concerned now. Teldryn hated the reavers. They were scum if not worse. To strike a deal with them would spell disaster later. “Probably.” He heard his partner replying. “You’re worried they might cause problems?” There was a shift in the younger mer’s expression. Shit! “We’ll deal with them if it comes to that.” Teldryn said with determination.

    “I hope we don’t have to.” Ciel’nn dreaded the idea of facing Sildras and his two-handed sword. Sildras was a veteran and if Ciel’nn was honest to himself - he was… afraid of the confrontation. The reaver seemed nice, but he didn’t trust him that much. “Where is their camp?” He heard Teldryn asking him. “Near Raven Rock… Let’s hope they don’t show up.” The young mer could only hope.

    Raven Rock came close and Ciel’nn noted the sharp guards on the Bulwark. One of them was Ondren Givrai, but the others were changed, he presumed. “Let’s go see if they changed anything.” More importantly, how safe the Redorans have made their town?

    On the Bulwark, Ondren was on his guard duty when he saw the two mer approaching the town. The young Redoran Guard was tasked to inform and take them to Officer Daynes Aroa once they arrived at the Bulwark. He went down the stairs briskly and stopped them. “Welcome back. It’s good to see you in one piece after that ash storm.” Ondren greeted him. “I must take you to Officer Daynes Aroa now.”

    Ciel’nn frowned. “Never heard. Why does he want us?”

    “Most likely to hear your part in the Orc’s case.” The young Redoran guard replied. “Can we go now? I’m ordered to take you right to him once you arrived.”

    “Can’t we drink something first?” Teldryn scowled. He wanted a cup of Sujamma before going to be questioned by the Officer. He looked to his partner. I want to flee, Teldryn, was the reply that reflected from Ciel’nn’s eyes.

    “Can’t, I’m afraid. Follow me.” Ondren replied way too officially, and the older mer groaned. He led them to the barracks where the temporary office was and turned to face Ciel’nn. “You’re lucky for not knowing him. I still wish you good luck.” The young Redoran guard smiled, and patted the mer’s shoulder before opening the door.

    Ciel’nn let out a curse as they walked in.



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6 Comments   |   GailOlm and 4 others like this.
  • The Sunflower Manual
    The Sunflower Manual   ·  October 30, 2018
    Kiss scene kiss scene the big kiss scene!


    *more random sounds

    For some reason, I don't get it when writing sweet and fluffy stuff myself, but when I'm reading it I...  more
    • Caladran
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      Kiss scene kiss scene the big kiss scene!

      ...  more
        ·  October 31, 2018
      I think it's because we writers focus on writing and getting it right.  It's different when reading those scenes. :) I'm glad you enjoy reading this story. :D
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  July 18, 2018
    Well, they kissed. Nicely played because it was a bit random. Wonder what the Officer has in store for Ciel. 
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  June 17, 2018
    And so they make out. Heh, took them long enough :)

    And Talvas finally indentified the ring. That took him long enough too. It's not an approach I would take since I do give mages a sixth sense, but this is as valid approach as mine. ...  more
  • GailOlm
    GailOlm   ·  June 14, 2018
    I'm glad that Ciel'nn shared his past with Teldryn.  (L)

    Ciel'nn sharing about his past had an impact on me, probably because I've read the first story where Ciel'nn actually went through all that. With this story being so much ...  more
  • GailOlm
    GailOlm   ·  June 13, 2018
    I'm glad that Ciel'nn shared his past with Teldryn.  (L)