Alda'hirakam ghar Ara; Chapter 3



    People disappear…and Redoran Guard does nothing.

    The Orc was talking to Garyn Ienth in a threatening way. Words were exchanged and Fetis seemed to cower while Slitter was glaring at him. They left the mer alone and moved to the next mer on their list; Fetis Alor. The same intimidating manner continued as Mogrul made sure no one would ever slip away from paying their debts, and Slitter made sure no one dared to injure his boss.

    A obnoxious feeling crept up Mogrul’s spine. He couldn’t say what it was, but he didn’t like it. The Orc turned to speak to Slitter. They exchanged words which caused Slitter to narrow his eyes. The bodyguard swiftly gazed around the area as if looking for a specific target; nothing on the ground level. His eyes shifted upward towards the cliffs of the mine. Nothing there either. Slitter began to think if his boss was losing it. No, that couldn’t be it; Mogrul was a tough Orc bastard and shouldn’t get spooked easily.

    A low, disgusted hiss escaped from Ciel’nn’s lips as he played with his dagger as he observed Mogrul’s ruling below from the stalagmite cliff. He had made mental notes.  It was a safe vintage point for observing. He’d see the town from there, but none would see him. He knew The Orc was lending money to people. Ciel’nn shifted his eyes to the few Redoran Guards. The Orc walked over to a guard and spoke to him. The guard nodded to Mogrul and the mer narrowed his eyes. Are they in Mogrul’s game too? Probably… I need a word with the Captain.

    “What has the ashes brought us?” A sneering voice came from behind, followed by a sound of metal clinks.

    Ciel’nn shot up on his feet as fast as he could and drew out his blades as he turned around. He cursed being careless as the three reavers were watching him with their weapons drawn out. The mer had fought against three opponents before, but it had left him with wounds.  “What do you want?” Ciel’nn hissed.

    “It’s not what we want. It’s all what Mogrul wants, and he wants you. Alive preferably.” The reaver in charge replied, chuckling.

    Mogrul… N’chow! Do they have the entire island in their control? The reavers?

    “Nothing, but s’wits?” Ciel’nn mocked and changed his stance. With a quick leap he clashed with the reaver in charge, forcing him to back away. He heard the two other reavers coming at him, but the mer unleashed a dual flurry, blocking and parrying their moves.

    The reavers cursed as if the youngling was too fast for them, and Ciel’nn saw his opening. His poisoned dagger came swift at the reaver in charge and stabbed him in a fluid motion in the side.  The older mer screamed in pain and tried to get away, but he stumbled on a dead wood branch and fell on his back, holding his side. “Fucking s’wit!” He groaned.

    Between the slashes and unpredictably, with all his strength ,Ciel’nn kicked the third reaver away from him, making the reaver stumble in the nearby rock formation. He turned to the second reaver who frowned at him. Ciel’nn changed his stance. “Like a fucking spider…” he heard the reaver grumbling, hesitating. The mer didn’t have time to play, so he shifted towards the reaver. His sword flashed through his opponent’s chest. Ciel’nn left his sword where it was and leaped towards the reaver at the rock formation with his dagger.

    The last reaver was trying to get up when the mer landed on him with his full weight. The dagger struck between the collar bones. The reaver gasped at the impact and gurgled his last intangible words.

    Ciel’nn took a deep breath and rolled away from the dead reaver. It had been a struggle to keep the reavers at bay, but it had started to get out of his hands - the group fights wasn’t his forte. Slowly he got on his feet and frowned as he felt a pain on his side. What the…? No, I was… Shit!

    A few quick steps away from the dead reavers and with a practiced soft fall on his back on the ash, Ciel’nn groaned. It was poison, but when had it happened? He tried to  think while his shaking hand went to to a pouch on his belt, taking a vial of cure poison. Sweat drops formed on his forehead. It must have been before the first one fell. Another frown as he hissed in pain, gritting his teeth together. He brougth the vial to his lips and poured it into his mouth. It would take some time before it started working - he knew it from his experiments. Ciel’nn closed his eyes while he waited and hissed.

    Fucking Mogrul and his reavers!

    Ciel’nn groaned and curled on his side as the liquid cure kicked in, making him twitch. He’d gone through pain and such, but this was something he hated! Mogrul’s going to pay… He hissed again. If I get through this first.

    After a long hour, Ciel’nn worked his way to Raven Rock with little wobbly steps. The cure poison had worked, but left him in a weakened state. The guards at the gate looked at him when he passed them. “I did warn about those ash spawns…” He heard one of them saying, but the mer didn’t pay attention to them and headed towards the Retching Netch.  The fact that he didn’t see Mogrul or Slitter around was strange to him.

    “You look awfully cheery.” The bladesman said from his seat once the youngling had walked in. Ciel’nn glanced at the bladesman, frowning as he felt as he the need to sit down. “And you still have the sack on your head.” Ciel’nn blurted out and continued his wobbly walking downstairs. Need to sit down.

    The bladesman looked to the other mer at the cooking pot. “Did he say sack?”
    The mer, Drovas Relvi, looked up thoughtfully. “I think he said so, sera.” The bladesman grumbled something and Drovas looked to him. “You should your keep eyes open.”
    “What’s that suppose to mean?”
    “Something is up.”
    “What are you babbling about?”
    “The ash shifts that way, sera.” Drovas said and looked back to the cooking pot. Been shifting since the kid landed here. He mused to himself.

    At the bar, Geldis looked to the youngling who walked towards the shadowed corner. “Do you need anything?” he asked in a slight concerned tone. The mer looked like he’d suffered and was struggling through an ordeal.

    “Canis root tea if you have any. I need to sit down.” Ciel’nn replied, sitting down on his shadowed corner seat with a heavy sigh. His body was still recovering from the cramps and he closed his eyes for a moment. “What happened?” Geldis’ voice asked. “Reavers…” Ciel’nn replied while he waited for his tea.

    ”They are getting bolder these days.” The Inn keeper’s voice said, coming close now. “Here is your tea, Ciel’nn.” The mer opened his eyes and took the cup. “Thanks, Geldis. How are you by the way? I heard Mogrul was asking for me the other day.” His voice went down to a whisper when he mentioned the Orc.

    Geldis frowned first, but then whispered back. “I’m fine. He roughened up Fetis, but we’re fine. We’re Dunmer, we endure. Wish the green skin would go away, though.” With that he walked back to the counter, to clean the mugs and left the mer with his tea.

    Ciel’nn sipped his tea, pondering. If the Orc has his little game going on here…  I should set up my own game. He grinned at his own idea and sipped more of his tea. This tea works wonders. I still need to talk to the Captain about his guards. If he listens to you, Ciel’nn. You refused to help him at first. Another sip of his tea before Ciel’nn glanced around the Inn. It wouldn’t be long before the folk gathered at the Inn for a midday break. It was quiet in town already because of the Orc.

    Coming down the stairs, Captain Veleth saw Geldis gesturing for him. He frowned and went to the bar. “The youngling is waiting for you in the guest room.” He heard the Inn keeper saying in a low tone. “What for?” The Captain asked, but Geldis shrugged his shoulders. Frowning, he marched towards the guest room and knocked on the door once. This better be important.

    The youngling opened the door with a smirk. “Captain, come in, sera.” Ciel’nn allowed the older mer to step inside before closing the door. “What’s this about? Are you ready to help?” He heard the Captain asking him in an irritated tone and crossed his arms.“Captain, I believe we have a common dilemma which is  the green hogger. I think we can help each other as I need to ask you something regarding your guards.” The youngling had put his friendly face on. Ciel’nn was aware that he couldn’t charm everyone - that’d be boring.

    “Wait a moment.” Captain Veleth raised his hand for a pause. “ Yes, the N’wah is a damn problem. If you can help with the ash spawn… Why do you need to ask about my boys?” The youngling was getting interesting, but he’d need to hear more. What are you up to, F’lah?

    “How involved is the Orc with the Redoran Guard?” Ciel’nn crossed his arms, keeping his stance as serious as possible. “How many  guards does Mogrul have in his pocket? I need to know so I can lay out my own plans against him, if you’re following, Captain. I know he’s lending money and seems to blackmail our people.” Ciel’nn hoped the older mer would understand him. To see an Orc in their town made the youngling… Angry would be an understatement. He wanted to kill the Orc, but he needed a plan and support for it.

    The older mer frowned as he realized the problem. Another damn problem! Captain Veleth let out a heavy sigh. “The truth is he has all my guards, except the ones inside the Councilor’s house. What are you planning? If you’re playing against the Orc, kid. It’s a dangerous one.” The older mer wasn’t sure if the youngling could make it against the Orc, with having Slitter behind his back. It would be a shame if the kid died when he tries to help us. Our people. Our town.

    “I want to talk the guards that aren’t in the hogger’s influence. Information.” Ciel’nn replied. It’s better you don’t know all the details. I deal with this in my way.

    Captain Veleth pondered the situation. “Sounds like you have a plan against the N’wah. I can come forth, too. You’re best shot is the younger guards at the Bulwark. I know they hate the N’wah as much as the rest of us.” The older mer rubbed his chin briefly. “My guess is Slitter’s keeping eye on the guards.”

    “I’ve noticed.” Ciel’nn nodded. It was true; he’d seen it. Although, the Orc did the talking to the guards and Slitter kept an eye on them. I need to find a way to talk with the guards freely. “Thank you for your help. It’s better that you don’t speak of this to anyone yet.”

    “I think I understand. But, what about the ash spawn?” the older mer asked.

    “The hogger needs to go first, Captain.”

    The sky was darkened with the ash falling down. Another Ash storm was arriving in the coming hour as long as Ondren Givrai in his chitin armor was concerned. He was glad he didn’t need to patrol at the town - the N’wah was there blackmailing his people. He ran this fingers through his ginger hair in frustration. It made Ondren’s blood boil - why didn’t they do anything? Why didn’t his Captain do his job and kick the N’wah out? They owned money for the green pig and thus they were bound to their honor. A angry growl escaped between his lips. He wasn’t even able to enjoy a drink at the Inn when Slitter and the green pig came in walzting around. Oh, how he wished things would change. Secretly Ondren wished the Orc’s death as he looked at the ashen sky. Boethiah help us!

    Ciel’nn had been watching the young guard, who was looking at the sky now. He could only guess what the other mer was wishing for. When he was younger he’d wished the old mer’s death while looking into the stars. A habit of the younger people - Ciel’nn wasn’t sure. He also hoped the other mer would listen to him if he hated the hogger as much as the Captain. “Ondren Givrai? Your Captain said I’d find you here, F’lah.” The mer asked in a soothing tone while he stepped closer to the young guard.

    The sudden query made Ondren turn around swiftly and having his sword ready. He stared at the other young mer; the mer didn’t show any hostile signs. Not Slitter, whew. He relaxed and put his sword away. “Yes, I’m Ondren. What do you want? I thought you were Slitter - that bastard.”

    A warm smile spread across the mer’s face. “A chat -” Ciel’nn opened his mouth to reply.

    “Ash spawn attack!” Another guard shouted and they prepared to fight the damned ash spawn. Ondren shook his head and joined in with his sword out again. He rushed to the nearest ash spawn. The Bulwark was on a defensive and desperate struggle against the ash spawn attack.

    Ciel’nn observed the fight around him for a moment. Five ash spawn at the moment, and who knows how  more many might appear. He should help them, the mer knew it. His hand shifted to his sword.

    “I need help over here!” Ondren shouted while he had to fight two ash spawn on his own. He was getting tired of being of blocking the ash spawn’s swings. He hated the ash spawn and the N’wah from the day he was assigned at Raven Rock. His situation looked grim in Ondren’s opinion.

    “I’m occupied! Damn it!” Another young sounding guard shouted back, fighting his own ash spawn. “Why  don’t the others do anything?”
    “Same here! I’m sorry!” The third guard replied. “Fucking ash spawn!”

    “N’chow!” Ondren hissed, realizing he was going to die. Azura light my path!  I didn’t want to go this way. He groaned in pain when the ash spawn slashed at him with a crude ash-molten sword and his eyes widened in horror when the other ash spawn raised his sword to finish him. Time had slowed down for a moment when Ondren’s life flashed before his eyes - he didn’t even have time to taste Mazte. He’ll die young, damn it all!

    Swiftly, Ciel’nn appeared next to Ondren, to protect the mer he gently pushed him away, and slashed at the ash spawn. He slashed several times before the damned ash spawn turned to him with a moan. Ciel’nn snarled back at it and parried the next swing. Once the ash spawn was down, he looked to Ondren, who was fallen on the ground. “You alright?” The other mer nodded, being exhausted and shocked at his near death experience. Ciel’nn nodded back and hurried to aid the other two guards.


    The seven ash spawn lay in waste on the ground - Ondren and his two guard friends along with Ciel’nn gathered together. The young guards sat on the bench, still breathing heavily and they took their helmets off. Ondren gave a deep sigh and looked to the mer, who had helped them. “Thank you, sera. That was a close call, again. You have our thanks - my friends are Raryn Caravel and Eronos Sathoni.” The two friends nodded, offering a tired smile.

    “You’re welcome, F’lah. I’m Ciel’nn Sarion.” Ciel’nn replied and waited for a reaction if any of them recognized his name, but the young guards didn’t show any sign of it. “I wanted to talk with you, Ondren.” He kept his tone friendly and soothing. No need to stress them with a sterner tone. Ciel’nn had noted them as promising guards and on top of it all they were all good looking - he smirked inwardly, but it didn’t matter now - all that mattered was the hogger and Slitter.

    “Sure, but what about?” Ondren looked to the mer. He had a feeling he could trust Ciel’nn, who had helped them and his words sounded honest. His two friends would support him in anything. Ondren was curious to know what the mer wanted to talk about. Secretly he hoped it would be about the N’wah.

    “It’s about the hogger if you know what I mean. Meet me at the Temple tomorrow at midnight if you’re interested. You can relay my message to your friends here. Otherwise it wouldn’t be safe for us all.” With that said, Ciel’nn observed how the light of hope lit up in the three mer’s eyes and he knew they were interested. “Make sure Slitter doesn’t see you.” He added with a smirk. “Until then, Mephala cloak you, F’lah.”

    Ondren watched the mer leaving and ascending the stairs. He took a deep breath and looked to his two friends, who were excited even if they didn’t know the details yet. They had hope for the change in town. Ondren could taste it in the air already. “By Azura… Can you feel it, too?”

    “I think so, Ondren.” Raryn replied, unable to believe the long missed change was coming.
    “He’s whom Mephala’s sent!” Eronos whispered, making Ondren and Raryn exchange their glances.
    “You need to rest, Eronos.” Ondren tapped his friend’s shoulder. “We need to rest.”



    Back to ToC


6 Comments   |   Karver the Lorc and 6 others like this.
  • The Sunflower Manual
    The Sunflower Manual   ·  May 28, 2018
    Ciel got a taste of his own medicine here, quite literally! Good thing it wasn't a particularly fast-acting poison... and speaking of which, the stuff he uses on his own blades kills impressively quick, doesn't it? Must acquire recipe for further study.
  • GailOlm
    GailOlm   ·  March 14, 2018
    Very action-packed, descriptive battle scenes! Hopefully, Ciel'nn will soon have some help in his fight against Mogrul and Slitter.

    My favorite lines: "And you still have the sack on your head." "Did he say sack?" Loved it!  (L)
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  March 14, 2018
    Ah, it seems that anti-Mogrul movement is slowly becoming a thing. Hell yes! :D 

    "The ash shifts that way." I have to say I really like that line, it's very cultural, and overally just rings well to the ear. Where did you come up...  more
    • Wulfhedinn
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Ah, it seems that anti-Mogrul movement is slowly becoming a thing. Hell yes! :D 

      "The ash shifts that way." I have to say I really like that line, it's very cultural, and overally just rings well to the ear. Where did you come up with that?
        ·  March 14, 2018
      Am I the only one who loves him solely based on his mutton chops? 
      • The Long-Chapper
        The Long-Chapper
        Am I the only one who loves him solely based on his mutton chops? 
          ·  July 12, 2018
        No, I love his mutton chops too. Makes me want to write an Alternate Universe story where Mogrul is the Dragonborn. 
    • Caladran
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Ah, it seems that anti-Mogrul movement is slowly becoming a thing. Hell yes! :D 

      "The ash shifts that way." I have to say I really like that line, it's very cultural, and overally just rings well to the ear. Where did you come up with that?
        ·  March 14, 2018
      Thanks! The line felt a natural thing to say, that or I had a really creative moment when I wrote that. :D