The unwelcome foreigner from the south - Chapter 4

  • Chapter 4 – Time to leave this dump


    It was early in the morning a few days later when I decided to make my getaway. Riften wasn't the place I hoped it would be. I had racist remarks thrown at me wherever I went. The place was a crime infested cesspit, it stank, I was the only Khajiit in the city and I didn't know what to make of slays-many-elves. Some of the Argonians were friendly and I felt I got on with them in the short time I'd known them but I felt it was time to move on. Maybe the cities controlled by the empire would be more welcoming to my kind? To get to Winterhold I'd have to go via Windhelm – another city controlled by the racist storm cloaks. Maybe there would be a trading post on the way?

    I had made a bad mistake coming to Skyrim and it was too far to go back. Maybe the college wasn't such a bad idea? I didn't have much coin and I had no idea how much it would cost to be educated there. Although I must admit I am quite light fingered myself as it is in my nature to steal but I have my morals and wasn't an outright thief and murderer. I took Talen-Jai's advice and refused an invitation to join the thieves guild despite being offered a regular income. It would really have to be a last resort to join them.

    I didn't want to see Slays-Many-Elves before I went as he himself had worked for the thieves guild on occasion and I'd probably be talked into it. He enjoyed killing and I was sure that psychopath got some sort of sexual gratification from inflicting suffering on the unworthy. I myself, a capable and strong fighter would kill only if needed in self defence but I would never kill innocents. Instead I opted for a letter left with Talen-Jai for him to hand over later long after I'd left.

    I said my farewells to Talen-Jai and Keerava and left. I felt guilty about Slays-Many-Elves; he seemed like he had taken me in under his wing and offered his friendship and I'd spat it back in his face. I just felt that he was trouble and I'd be heading down a path I could not return from if I had stayed with him. There were powerful people in Riften and I knew I would end up allying with the wrong ones. Best to keep out of it I thought. There seemed to be a lot of tension between the empire and the stormcloaks brewing and if that ever turned into war I would want to be on the Empire's side putting me against just about everyone in Riften. No, I would go to the college for now and see what they had to offer.

    I didn't have enough money for a horse and there was too many people around to 'help myself' to one so I asked the carriage driver how much it would be to take me to Winterhold. “50 septims” he answered. “I will be leaving in half an hour if you want a ride”.

    I did want a ride. I had purchased some new armour but only had a shortsword & shield. Without a horse I wouldn't make it to Winterhold on my own. I'd be torn apart by wild animals or attacked by bandits for certain. I decided to take a short walk and come back later should Slays-Many-Elves see the note and come looking for me.

    The countryside around Riften was magnificent. Birch trees with their white bark trunks and yellow-gold leaves shaded me from the autumn sun. Riften hold wasn't as cold as the rest of Skyrim and hence was a popular place for Argonians and elves who were not used to the cold like the Nords were. The Birch gave way to pines as the valley rose up into the mountains bordering Skyrim with Morrowind and Cyrodiil the eventually the snow capped peaks gave way to blue skies. The weather was favourable at least.

    The gates to Riften were barley out of sight when I came across several tents with a few Khajiit sat around a campfire. They were accompanied by a couple of sturdy looking horses attached to caravans – traders by the look of it. I quickened my pace to meet them, glad to see one of my own kind.

    “Hi there” I called as I walked up to the first Khajiit sat cross-legged just inside his tent. His two bodyguards came forward and flanked him standing with their arms folded glaring at me.

    “Odd to see one of us on his own out here in the wilderness. Have you come to steal from us? The cross-legged Khajiit remarked as his guards advanced further forward.

    “Of course not. Is this how you greet your customers? I saw your caravans and wanted to make conversation with one of my kind – you're the first I have seen since my arrival in Skyrim a few days ago.”

    “You are dressed like a warrior. You looked like a threat – just because your one of us does not mean we can trust you. We don't see many Khajiit around here and those that we do are usually associated with the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves Guild.” he objected.

    “Well I'm not. I was actually wondering where your trade route takes you as I'm looking for company to Winterhold. I could offer my protection along the way.” I offered.

    The Khajiit stood up. “My bodyguards Kharjo & Dro'Marash here do a fine job. But having said that we could use some extra help due to the increased bandit activity. We can't pay you but can offer food if you would walk with us. Trouble is we are heading to Dawnstar via Whiterun. I guess you could take the northern road up to Winterhold from Whiterun but that is a very dangerous route. Even we do not dare tread that path. The carriages always go with an armed escort and the snowdrifts are very deep making travelling very difficult, if not impossible if the weather is really bad; Winter has already set in up there and will be closing in fast.”

    I thought about his offer for a while. “Do you have a map?” I asked.

    Akhari fumbled about and handed me a weathered map. “Whiterun here” he pointed and “Winterhold here. Windhelm is on the way if you head north from here which is a quicker route. However don't expect to be welcome there either.”

    I stared at the map. I could travel to Whiterun and then take the north eastern road to Winterhold but I would have to find a carriage willing to take me there assuming the weather was safe enough to travel. The other and safest option was to return to Riften and take the carriage to Winterhold via Windhelm.

    “You mentioned that I would not be welcome” I queried.

    “Yes, Khajiit are not allowed into any cities run by the Stormcloaks. This includes Riften and Windhelm – their capital where Ulfric Stormcloak himself resides. The empire are slightly more tolerant and will allow a single Khajiit into their cities, any more requires an escort. Us however still have to camp outside.”

    “When do you leave?” I asked.

    “Tomorrow morning.”

    That was too late. Although I would welcome their company and maybe find work in Whiterun for the winter then make my way north to the college I needed to be as far away from Riften as possible and as soon as possible. Reluctantly I refused and said my goodbyes returning to the carriage driver who was still waiting for me.

    “You ready to be off?”

    I looked around at Riften for what would probably be for a long time and climbed aboard. “Any stops on the way? I asked as I handed him the 50 septims. He handed me 30 back and said. “Pay me the rest when we get to Windhelm as I can't guarantee when we will be able to continue our journey.”

    “What do you mean?” I queried.

    “Depends on the weather, Winterhold can be cut off in heavy snow sometimes for months. I've heard it has been snowing heavily recently. We'll need to pick up some armed guards at an imperial fort on the way unless there's any mercenaries willing to help staying at the inn.”

    I thought of Slays-Many-Elves. He'd make a good travelling companion and bodyguard for me and the driver but he would want a substantial payment in return. I remembered what the Khajiit said about the dangerous road. “I thought that was the road from Whiterun that is dangerous?”

    The driver laughed. “There's only one road to Winterhold, which as it turns south - west there's a fork with the main road going to Whiterun and the other to Windhelm. The dangerous part is between this fork and Winterhold itself.”

    “Oh” I mumbled under my breath. “Great.”

    “We will spend the night in Windhelm & maybe pick up some more passengers at the various villages along the way. It will take all day to get there and I don't expect to arrive till late evening.” he said as he pulled the reigns to indicate to the two heavy horses to move out.

    “That will do me” I muttered as I pulled a blanket around me. I waved at the Khajiit traders as we rolled by and settled down for the journey.

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  • Teekus
    Teekus   ·  January 7, 2016
    Glad you thought that as that is what I'm trying to portray in this story. He left his homeland behind believing that things would be better elsewhere but sadly for him he found this to be far from his expectations. There's two things I'm thinking of with...  more
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  January 7, 2016
    I'm enjoying this series. Cant help but feel for the furry little bastard...