Chapter 2

  • "Merlas, wake up. Merlas. Son wake up." I sleepily awoke from my sweet slumber. "What is it father?", i groggily asked. "You'll have to come downstairs and see for yourself!" He said. I groaned. It was too early for this. I got up, threw clothes on and made my way downstairs. What I saw made my jaw drop. It was a bow. The most beautiful bow I had ever seen, made of glass and gold. I almost screamed. "Father! What's the occasion?!", I asked in awe. "Son it's your birthday what do you mean what's the occasion?", he said incredulously. Right. My birthday. I had completely forgotten. I was turning 14 today. "Can i fire it?", I asked, still absolutely mesmerized by the bows beauty. "Of course son! I already have targets set up outside" I made my way outside and found the targets. They were staggered at different distances. My father spent 10 minutes explaining the basics of firing the bow. As soon as he was done explaining, I took the bow, assumed a position like he said, and drew the string. It was heavy as I was not used to firing bows yet. I released and heard the twang of the bowstring. "Ok son. Knock an arrow now.", my father called to me. I took an arrow and drew it. "Remember to have steady breathing. You want to be completely still when that arrow flies.", He lectured. I steadied my breath and after a few seconds, held it to allow the arrow complete stillness. I relaxed, and fired. What happened next will be forever ingrained into my memories. The arrow flew gracefully and hit the target directly in the center bullseye. I was so excited. That is how my love of archery came to be and I have not stopped practicing since. Fast forward a couple of years. I am now 17 years old. My archery skill is precise. My father has been away for a month in skyrim. He is scheduled to return today. I draw my the string and release the arrow. I smile as lands right where I want it to. I collect my arrows and head inside. I greet my mother who is reading a novel in the living room. I head downstairs to the basement and begin practicing magic. I had recently learned how to send people into a frenzy. I was now working on learning a spell that would calm people. Hours passed by. I had made little progress and was soon called up for supper. "When's father going to be here?", I asked "Soon", my mother answered. I was excited to see him again. We ate the food and afterwards went up to my room and awaited my fathers arrival. My father came home late. There was a different atmosphere around him than usual. I was worried and asked him if he was okay. "Later Merlas", was all he said. He trudged up the steps and went to his room. My mother quickly joined him and I was left alone. "He's had a hard journey. I'll just give it time.", I thought to myself. I went upstairs and fell asleep. I was awoken by the sound of the front door opening. But it wasn't just being opened. It was slowly being opened as if someone wasn't supposed to be here. I listened harder. I heard faint footsteps along with voices. "You have orders by the Dominion to execute the lieutenant and his family", I heard a voice say. My heart started beating faster and faster. I could not just freeze in a time like this. The house had several places where one could escape without being seen. I began to walk toward the one in my room when I heard a noise I will never forget. The soldiers had reached my parents room and had set a fire that reached them in seconds. The shriek of my mother and fathers cries were something that I'll will never ever forget. I was angry. They couldn't be saved. They were being engulfed by the flames. I had to hide and fast. I eventually got into the hide spot that was designed into my room. "Sir we cannot find the boy.", I heard a soldier say. "What the fuck do you mean you can't find him?!", the officer responded "BURN THIS FUCKING HOUSE DOWN NOW", he bellowed. I had to get out and fast. I silently made my way toward the back of the house where the armory was. The only thing that meant anything to me now, was my glass bow. I quickly picked it up and ran out into the night. The house was completely smoldered by fire. I felt a tear drop down the side of my face. My mother and father were just murdered and I was supposed to be dead. I had to leave the city otherwise I was going to be hunted down. I hid away in an alley for the night until morning. I had to find passage off summerset isle. I was being forced to leave my home. The thing about the Summerset isles, it's a fucking island. I had about 1,000 septims on me. There was no way I could get off the isles and have safe transport once I got to Anvil in Cyrodiil. I used 500 septims to pay for passage to Anvil. I got on the ship and eagerly awaited departure. I wanted to get as far away as I could from Alinor. 30 minutes later and I had departed, leaving the Summerset Isles for a very very long time. The journey was long and hard. I was forced to do ship work. I didn't mind it, but it was different from my previous lavish lifestyle and so took time to get used to. I scrubbed the decks of the ship with my fellow crew and helped with the sails. It was very time wasting and I was grateful for the distraction of mourning my parents death. I met a Bosmer named Alvus, who i quickly befriended. "So what's your story?", he asked me. I was cautious at first because I didn't know if the Dominion was hunting me so I just simply answered "just wanted to find another life outside the Isles." We talked for hours about our lives and how we viewed the world. Eventually I told him the real reason why I was going to Anvil and he looked at me and gave his condolences to my family. "I am very sorry Merlas. I cannot imagine the amount of pain that put you in.", he said very sorrowfully. I accepted it. I had to move on. The rest of the journey was filled with work, camaraderie, and personally, sadness. It took 2 weeks to reach Anvil and I was glad to finally be there. I grabbed my belongings, which wasn't much at all, and walked toward the beginning of my new life. The city of Anvil was exhilarating. It was not as spectacular as Alinor, but it did possess unique qualities that really made me fall in love with the place. The hardened stone brick of the walls around the city were certainly different, but refreshing. I made my way through the city and stopped. This placed look very expensive to live in. I only had 500 septims to my name. I could not live here. I looked at the stables for horses I could buy. 1,000 septims. WHAT?! I couldn't even afford a horse. I was becoming very frustrated. How was I supposed to get out of the city. I certainly can't walk to the next city! I went to the nearest inn and lost myself in my thoughts. After an hour I came to a conclusion: I was gonna have to steal a horse. I made sure it was after dark so no one could see me. I sneaked into the stables and selected a horse. A beautiful black horse a dark as the night itself. "Perfect", I thought. I grabbed a saddle from the shelf and gently tossed it over the horse. To my absolute surprise, the horse did not freak out. I was able to ride away without being seen. I came upon the gate of Anvil and exited the city. I ride through the night and stopped to make camp by a stream. I was gonna have to live in the wilds for a while. I dismounted Mercury and cleared a small space for my belongings. I made sure I was hidden well enough so that I would not be caught by bandits. I took off my clothes and waded into the stream and bathed. It was nice and cool. I immediately felt refreshed. I hadn't bathed since I left Alinor. I was in the stream for about thirty minutes when I decided that it was time to get out. I had a sheet i covered myself in as I washed my clothes in the stream. They took a while to dry but once they did, I quickly put them back on. I sat in silence. It was cold. Very cold. I didn't dare build a fire in fear of bandits. This was going to be a problem. I had my bow of course, but if they came in close enough I was done for. The night quickly passed and the sun began to rise. I gathered my things and mounted Mercury. I rode for what seemed like hours until I came to a small ruin. I had never seen anything like it so I carefully made my way toward it. "Well well well. Just what do we have here", I heard a female bandit say. I began to run but she was faster. "Now why would you run from us?" Us. There were more?! "Give us your valuables and you can be on your Merry way", she chided. "I don't have anything that's worth stealing.", I said, trying to sound confident and not scared. "Oh but that's where you are wrong", she retorted. "That bow is of supreme elven make. It could certainly sell for a lot of money." She was not going to take my bow away. My only means of protection. "That's not going to happen", I boldly responded, getting ready for whatever that was about to happen next. "And that, is the wrong answer", she sneered. At that moment, 3 other men came out of where they were hiding and slowly advanced on me. I was ready. I charged up 2 frenzy spells in each hand and launched them toward the three men. I drew my bow, back stepped and waited. The spells took effect immediately. I saw a column of red mist around the men and they began attack each other. I smiled. My years of study had paid off, but now I had to deal with the female bandit. "How is that possible?!", she screamed. "I will kill you for what you've done!" This time I wasn't ready. She full on charged me and knocked me to the ground. She brought her sword down in a swift motion that surely would have taken my head off if I hadn't rolled away in time.i quickly got up and realized that I could only dodge. I had no weapon, save a bow. It was useless in this situation. She swiped at me with her sword that left me with a deep cut. I feel to the ground again. "Goodbye elf.", she menacingly sneered. She raised her sword and I thought I was a goner. In that moment an arrow sprouted from her neck. She dropped her sword and fell to her knees. A figure emerged from out of the trees. "Hold there! I mean you no harm.", he said. He had an accent that I couldn't quite place. I looked at him as he made his way over. "Bosmer", I thought. He came up to me and handed me a dagger made of steel. "Finish her.", was all he said. I took the dagger and weighed it in my hand. Was I really going to kill her? "You are having trouble?", he asked me. "I've never killed anyone in my life.", I responded. "She was gonna kill you, so do what you would have done if you could have defended yourself. End her." It was a clear statement. I had to kill her. I took the dagger and slit her throat. She fell face forward into the grass. "Well done. What is your name elf?" "Merlas", I responded. "What brings an Altmer like you all the way out here?" I looked at the grass for a second before I answered, "My parents were murdered by the Aldmeri Dominion. I'm supposed to be dead myself. My father was a lieutenant and I still don't understand why we were ordered to be killed" "Politics is a dangerous thing Merlas" the Bosmer responded with a hint of scorn. "What's your name?", I asked. "Valmon", the Bosmer said. "Why did you save me Valmon?" "I saw potential in you", he said. "Which brings me to ask you if you'd like to come along with me and begin a new life." I was shocked and very curious. "What sort of new life?" I carefully asked. He smiled and simply said "A life of riches and wealth" I took those words in. I had nowhere else to go. I was not bound to anyone. I could go anywhere and do anything I wanted. I quickly made up my mind. "I accept your offer." Valmon smiled. "Very good. Mount your horse and follow me." I rode behind Valmon for the remainder of the day and we made camp at nightfall. I felt much safer with him. He knew what he was doing and he knew how to fight. I didn't dare ask him how he knew how to fight. We slept the night and got up early the next day. "To Skingrad", he said. "What's in Skingrad", I asked "Opportunity" Another vague answer. I sighed. It looked like I was going to wait a bit longer for answers. The journey to Skingrad was easy. Valmon stopped and hunted for a while prior to entering the city. "These pelts will sell for a decent amount.", explained. "We will need the money to buy you a few weapons and supplies" Me? Weapons? I was growing more curious by the minute, but decided to hold my tongue. We came upon the blacksmith shop and headed inside. "Pick 2 swords and 2 daggers of your choice." ,he commanded. "Dont worry about a bow because you already posses one of high quality. I wandered the shop and browsed the selection. I spotted a wickedly shaped dagger on a shelf. I grabbed it and weighed it in my hand. It felt like it was made for me. "Ok that's it for the dagger now just have to find a sword." I quickly spotted a beautiful sword made of glass, just like the elves back home. "These.", I said, showing Valmon. "Ah yes the ebony dagger and glass sword" he mused. "Excellent choices" He carried the weapons to the clerk. "2 of each.", he said. The clerk checked the back of the shop and brought out 2 each of the requested weapons. "Is that all sir?", the clerk asked. "No, not quite", Valmon responded. "Add a size 16 leather armor set with that and size 12 leather boots" The clerk once again went to the back and shortly came back with the armor. "That will be 5,000 septims sir" Valmon paid the sum and thanked the clerk. We were now on the street. "These are now yours. Take of your gear, and your gear will take care of you" (one of the MANY life lessons I learned) "I don't know what to say Valmon..." I was so shocked that he would do this for me. "Don't worry about it Merlas.", he said. "I'm happy to help." "Anyways, we are getting close. Get ready. Your new life is going to begin very shortly" We rounded the corner and stopped at an Inn. I dismounted my horse and promptly entered. "Valmon! Hey buddy where have you been?!", the bartender exclaimed. "Been gone for a while but I'm back for a bit", Valmon answered. "Anyway I'd like to rent the usual back room" "Of course! Anything for you my friend!", the bartender said. Valmon lead me to the back room of the inn. He pushed a hidden button on the wall and the wall slid open. It was a secret passage! The tunnel ran for a little bit before stopping in front of a gate. Valmon unlocked the gate and went inside. I followed suit and came upon a huge area. There was a bar, practice dummies, places to sleep and so much more. "Welcome to the Thieves Guild", Valmon said.