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  • jim1995 Hello guys!It's been some time since i last visited the site(about 3 years to be more accurate :P) and I'm happy to see it grew even larger and much more welcoming.If i remember correctly ,back in the days it was just a small site ,where everything was about skyrim but despite all the problems (i remember the first admin saying there was a high possibility to take the site down)it grew better and now there are discussions for other bethesda games too.So, i was thinking of posting some skyrim builds i have in mind and maybe some artwork too,like i used to do.The thing is,the site has changed fat too much so i would really appreciate if someone "showed me around" ,or gave me a few tips (group proposals etc).Even just a comment will be appreciated.Anyway im looking forward to start exploring the site once again and meet new people.!!See ya around :)
    April 23, 2017