Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Sapiarch

  • April 1, 2015

    Yeah I'm just starting a new string of comments since the old one's buried on the last page. xD Arche's come so far since she came to Skyrim suffering from chronic asthma and utterly unable to use magic (or, well, fight) as a result!  Somehow, the alchemy concoction she brewed to treat it has had some strange side effects.  By the time she reaches Solitude, I'll be giving her unlimited stamina via Gauldr Amulet!

    Levels have slowed quite a bit, but now I'm facing a dearth of perks already and I'm still lvl 11!  I need Augmented Flames ASAP, but what about Mystic Binding?  And Mage Armor?!  So many skills, so little perkage...

    It's interesting playing through a different path than you'd probably expect me to.  Full of bumps and bruises along the way for sure, but also excitement!  I do really hope I'll be able to summon bound bows soon, however!  Archery has been a very neglected skill so far.

  • April 2, 2015

    I got bombarded by Daedric Princes on the way to Solitude!  I was on the way to meet Uncle Sheo (and get one quest that unequips items out of the way) when I found Meridia's Beacon.  Then my ol' pal Sam showed up at the Winking Skeever, leading me to Molag Bal.  Some misc. quest or other ended up dragging me out near Falkreath, so I figured, in for a penny, in for a pound!  Let's go get Barbas!

    What's the best way to deal with powerful melee enemies?  My current strategy for bears and saber cats is Brave Sir Robin, but for things like the vampire thralls in Morvath's Lair, I'm really running into trouble on Master.  I have neither the fortitude nor the damage output to last for more than a hit or two, and the only viable way to damage them with spells is to hold down dual-cast Flames for a good thirty seconds!

  • Member
    April 2, 2015

    I found myself a bit outclassed around level 10-20. I went through healing potions like nobody's business. Potions in general are really helpful for increasing damage, health/regen, etc. If you don't already have Marked for Death and/or Slow Time, get at least one word of each ASAP. Very helpful for those tougher fights.

    Also, I sort of "cheated" and used light armor until I was able to get the first Mage Armor perk as well as the Diadem of the Savant and Locket of St. Jiub. I used the diadem until I had both Ulfric's Bracers (for extra AR) and the Aetherial Crown (as required by the build).

    Those are the best ways to give yourself a bit of an advantage in the early/midgame.

  • Member
    April 2, 2015
    A very good build, I like the outfit selection. It fits the build very well!
  • April 5, 2015

    Hey there Teccam and Kaiser. I come again with a question and an apology. Sorry I never left my like here guys, I was to busy being in awe of the build that I forgot it, well it's here now. 

    Onto my question. I think that the method you guys used to get that unlimited Stamina is pretty cool and I'm thinking of using it in my build as an option (with full credit to you two of course) just making sure it's alright with you before doing it though. 

  • Member
    April 5, 2015

    Fine by me. We didn't discover it anyway, James did. And Parabola also deserves some credit for testing it, and I think Alastor as well. So it's hardly our trick to horde in the first place. 

    Also, just for the record: There's no need to apologize. I'm sorry if you thought my status the other day was targeting you -- it wasn't. I actually didn't even notice that you hadn't liked the build. But thanks for following up!

  • April 5, 2015

    Right, consider everyone thanked. Also what Status?

  • Member
    April 8, 2015
    This build has been so much fun so far! +1 from me!
  • Member
    April 8, 2015

    Thanks, Mae. Glad to hear it!

  • Member
    April 10, 2015
    I can't seem to get the infinite stamina glitch to work and I'm following the steps exactly do you know what might be causing it to not work