Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Contest Build: Fyrdir the Pale Knight

  • August 25, 2015

    Hi! I'm Bjorn the Vampire and this is my build for the Charater Building Contest:Holds.

    This is also my first build here on the Vault, so any feedback and advice is greatly appreciated.Without further a due,lets get started!

      "From one of the proudest  families on the Frozen Wastes, comes Fyrdir, one of the knights of the   Twinblade Duo."


    The Twinblade Duo, as the name suggests, was a Duo formed by Fyrdir and Andyr. They were a strong and intelligent group,their services were sought out by many people, from the simplest farmer to the richest noble, they were very popular so to speak.
    But on one day, their legacy was forever forgotten…     [Lore at the end of the build :) ]

        Race: Nord (for Role playing purposes)
        Standing Stone:  Early Levels-> Warrior  
                                              Late Levels->Lord Stone 
        Stat distribuition:  0/2/3

    One Handed--> As a Knight of the Twinblade Duo, one must practice combat every   
    day, in order to get better.

    Heavy Armor-> Carry your armor with pride,with time, you will get used to its protection.

    Smithing-->If one wants to survive, improving your Swordarm isn't enough, improve your weapon as well.     

    Block-->Even if your fellow comrade 
    has your back, one must protect one's front. 
    Archery-->Practice on targets.A shot from a far is a very good advantage.
    • Steel Plate Helmet
    • Pale Guard's Armor
    • Steel Plate Gauntlets
    • Steel Plate Boots
    • Pale Guard's Shield
    • Chillrend
    About Chillrend....
    Chillrend is a leveled weapon, therefore its power depends on your level.
    You can get it at level one, but it would be outmatched by other weapons you find later on…
    Don't know how to get Chillrend without joining the Thieves? Click here.
    So, I’d recommend getting a steel sword first,upgrade it, and then at level 14 get Grimsever because it looks a lot like Chillrend,besides the paralyze effect and the unique blue look.
    Grimsever is a quest item.
    To get it, you must be at level 14 and talk to Mjoll in Riften, she will send you to a Dwarven Ruin (note that the sword doesn’t appear if you are bellow Level 14) and you go get it. She asks you to give it to her, you accept and then  retrieve it from her inventory as she becomes available as a follower.
    Slash your way through Skyrim, Level Up 'till level 45, that is when Chillrend damage is at its peak.
    If you don't want to go that far, get it a Level 27 its still very powerful.
    Ancient Knowledge
    This Power can be used as an exploit, it was supposed to give a 25% armor bonus if wearing all Dwarven Armor,actually, it does the opposite,you will get the bonus if NOT wearing Dwarven Armor. Smithing levels up 15% faster.


    Seeker of Might
    Combat Skills are all 10% more effective.
    Dragonborn Frost
    Your Frost Breath Shout encases foes in ice for 15 seconds.
    Unrelenting Force:
    You survived many battles, your fury is unrelenting.
    Frost Breath:
    Two years inhaling the cold air that touched the Sea of Ghosts...your Nord Lungs are colder than snow.
    Clear Skies:
    The skies are not the limit, even you can shape them to your desire.
    Become Ethereal:
    Talos grants blessings upon those who deserve it, when you are in danger use yours and you are untouchable.  
    Ice Form:.....
    Turn your enemies into icebergs, make them feel how cold you once were.
    Talos Guiding Light:
    -->Drop your amulet of Talos, cast Candlelight and pick the amulet up, raise it to eye level, Talos is guiding you even at the Darkest hours.
    Requires: Talos Amulet + Candlelight
    Flying Iceberg:
    -->Shout Ice Form to an enemy and then shield run him off a cliff.
    Requires:Ice Form + Shield Run Perk
    Served Cold:
    -->Freeze your enemy solid, just say three words, in a blink of an eye he's buried in an avalanche.
    Requires:Frost Breath +  Dragonborn Frost Ability (DB DLC)
    • I learned that Dawnstar doesn't have "evil quests" aside from Waking Nightmares, and for someone that doesn't want to make that good guy that Skyrim already portrays you, its difficult. We have "fetch that item" type of quests and nothing more really...  I would suggest "inventing quests" that fit your Charater's personality.
    Anyways here are some Dawnstar quests you might want to do:
    Salty Sea-Dogs:

    Help a Sea Captain get some Fine-Cut Void Salts .
    Waking Nightmare:
    Help a priest of Mara save Dawnstar from nightmares.
    Pieces of the Past:
    Retrieve the scattered pieces of Mehrunes Razor and
    reforge his deadly blade.   
    Dungeon Delving:
    Do Frida a favor by retrieving an item from a random cave.
    Quest all Drunks have:
    Make Karl jump for joy!
    Deliver an item to an associate.
    Thane of the Pale:
    After three of these quests return to the Jarl, you will be Thaned!
    • Aside frome these ones,there are other quests I would like you to check out:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Frostflow Abyss:
    Uncover the tragic events inside Frostflow Lighthouse.
    The Pale Lady:
    Find out what happened in Frostmere Crypt. Do the good side 
    of the quest. (Putting the Pale Blade where it belongs)
    Unfathomable Depths:
    Your main goal here is to get the power: Ancient Knowledge
    Dragonborn DLC 
    The Path of Knowledge:
    Your main goal here is to get the power: Dragonborn Frost
    Black Book:The Sallow Regent:
    Your main goal here is to get the power: Seeker of Might
    Now the Lore...My favourite part!
    Note that this is fictional Lore.
    You will know the backstory of Fyrdir...
     Dawnstar guard:Do you see that lighthouse up on the rocks? Don’t go near it, that 
                                       place is cursed…
                                       Many years ago, it was home to two twin brothers, mercenaries...
                                       We called them the Twinblade Duo, Andyr and Fyrdir.
                                       They always got the job done, and were loved for it. 
                                       Later, the love was transformed into hate, and they were no more...
                                       But enough lollygaggin’ , just don’t go near it   
    Twinblade Hall, Dawnstar, 4e 187
    -So how was the hunt brother?
    -It went well Fyrdir... All the good Venison comes out at night, good time for hunting.
    -Well... I found some Elven Soldiers on my way to Morthal, pointy ears...Thalmor if i recall correctly...
    -What happened? - Asked Andyr.
    -It.... didn't go so well... I approached them to talk, you know... friendly questions to start a conversation, nothing harmfull.
    -How did it end up badly?
    -Ahhh, right, I approached them in a friendly manner, only to get questioned myself! Imagine that.
    -What did they ask you Fyrdir?
    -They questioned my believes.
    -Yeah, you know what happens when someone asks that question....
    -Oh if i didn't...Ha! I bet you messed them up pretty badly, like that Orc the other day.
    -Dear Chillrend, always failing to disapoint me.Hahahaha....
    A few days later the Twins got a contract  from a very mysterious person...
    A thousand septims for clearing a cave,a small cave, an animal den.
    -So whats that Cave again? - asked Fyrdir.
    -Bronze Water Cave, atleast its what the letter says...
    -What are you waiting for Andyr? The Dwemer's reapperance?Lets go!
    -I know i know just let me get my Katana and we can go.
    When the Twins arrived, they felt something was wrong, there was no client, there was no one there...
    -Where's the milk drinker? - asked Fyrdir.
    -It appears he isn't one  to talk.
    As they were leaving the place, there was a sound, in between the bushes...Could it be him? Could it be the mysterious client?
    -I feel a strange presence surrounding us...- said Andyr while drawing his katana slowly....
    Not much time had passed when they heard another sound, this time a branch broke. It was no mistery now, they were surrounded, an ambush perhaps?
                                        "Off the shadows they came, with ethereal swords, killing was their
                                                         game, to reunite the Twins with the Lords."
    Freezing Chills and Katana's Slashes, 
    Tremendous Skills that no one matches.
    With Daggers in one hand and Lightning on the other 
    The frightning fighting was now over...
    The Elven Soldiers lied bloody on the ground,
    When Andyr, Fyrdir found.
    Lied broken, his life drained...
    The Twinblade Duo was tamed... 
    And in the middle of all that confusion,Fyrdir found a note... it said
    "Kill the Twins at night's cloak
    You must not be seen by any means. 

    The Thalmor got revenge on the Twinblades, Andyr died, leaving his brother Fyrdir alone amongst a pile of corpses…
    With trembling feet did Fyrdir return, he had no idea of what to do, he fell in despair...
    He went to the inn to drown his anger deep in a bottle of mead…
    But as the day went by, it was not only a bottle but countless ones…
                 "As he drowned his anger, at the same time he was drowning the duo's reputation."
    Until it was no more... 
    Jarl Skald the Elder exiled Fyrdir to the Frozen Deserts, and from then,no one heard of him...
    He spent two whole years in the cold...
    He had to hunt the unfortunate animals that roamed the area, salmon, foxes and even little rabbits.
    Frozen Wasteland, The Pale, 4e 200
    Days were cold as the winds that touched the tallest mountains, noghts were cold, like the winters of Atmora.
    He didn't have anything to sleep inn, so he sliced up a horker's belly to warm him...
    "Even his Nord Heart was getting frozen and frozen at every second, he was dying..."
    At that same night, a Dunmer priest of Mara happened to pass by his camp while he was sleeping...
    As he prepared to leave the area, he saw a ghost... 
    -Who are you? - asked the priest.
    -It doesn’t matter, my brother doesn’t have much time left, i beg of you… please save him…
    The priest tried his best, but he couldn’t… he did not have the strength to heal the Frozen man…
    Tears fell down the cheeks of the priest for he couldn't save him...
    He started praying...
    -Godess Mara, please help this man , for i lack the strength to save him... 
    Mara then granted what was needed, for the clouds disappeared and the sky was covered in a orange aurora...
    "By Mara the godess of compassion, I heal..."                        
    The Priest then casted a strange healing spell that gave the men a fire in his heart.
    -Thank you - said the ghost while dissipating into the winds…
    -How are you my son? Wait don’t move…
    -My name is Erandur, I’m a priest of Mara, the goddess has saved you!
    -Why…? Why would (gasp) someone do that to me?
    -Everyone has a second chance sera, now you have yours.
    -How…How…can I pay you?
    -We will talk about that later, come with me.I’m heading to Dawnstar, there is something I need to take care of…
    As they arrived to the Pale City, the guards approached them in a instant, one of them said:
    -Halt! You shall not gain entrance to Dawnstar! These are the Jarl’s orders!
    -Keep your weapons down! I’m Erandur, the Jarl sough me out for help, Fyrdir is with me.
    -Fyrdir is forbidden to enter the city!
    -He is here to help me with the Nightmares.
    -Nightmares??? - asked Fyrdir.
    -Priest do your bussiness,Fyrdir you are coming with us.
    Erandur went to the inn while Fyrdir was arrested for breaking the law.He was now sent to Helgen to die.
    As he was entering a carriage with some blue armored prisoners, Erandur apolagized simply by the look on his face.
    This is the part where YOU come in!
    Fyrdir is now at Helgen...
               "My ancestor are smiling at me Imperials, can you say the same?"
    The execution begins.
    "I cannot lie, fear is in my heart...
    I see death before me,
    May Talos guide me to Sovngarde..." - Fyrdir thought.
    -Next the Nord in the Rags!
    -To the Block prisoner,nice and easy.
    At that same moment, something's shout tore apart the blue sky...
    -What was that? -Hadvar asked.
    -Its nothing carry on!- dismissed Tullius.
    Step by step, the Twinblade approached his death...
    When from the skies his savior he met.
    Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, burned everything that was around.
    Death, death everywhere, the only sound at that hour was from the burning flames...
    Amongst all of that, Tullius and Ulfric got away, so did Fyrdir on that day.
    The rest of the history is yet to be written, for the Pale Knight survived once more...will he go back to his home? Or will he flee from Skyrim like a coward?
    "You are now out of Helgen,this is the world waiting for you!"
    Alright...I will share with you my Roleplay:
    I got out of Helgen with no weapons and no armor, I had the Ragged Robes and Footwraps equipped. 
    Sooner or later I found a weapon and upgraded it.
    Pillaged a few Bandit Camps to get equipment.
    You are free, you can do whatever you want, but my main objective was to restore my "Knighthood", as soon as I was prepared i got on a carriage to Morthal.(You can't go directly to Dawnstar)
    I explored the Pale Hold and killed a few bandits here and there.I was leveling up.
    I decided to get to my camp, where I was two years.
    Here I'll mark it on your map.
    I roleplayed a Renegade for a while and it was so sweet!
    I had very fun hunting horkers,fishing salmon, harvesting clams everything you could ask for!
    Even Sabre Cats!
    There is a wild variety of things you can do, there is a Ramdom Encounter site nearby,Two Shrines of Talos one of them very close to the camp,horker groups,wolf packs and treausures, I spent alot of time at that area!
    Here are some Pics!
    (Taken from my TV :/)
    Look there is one of the Shrines!The face of a survivor.My camp at Night.(on my PC)
    I simply roleplayed what was like when he was at the Frozen Wasteland, lots of fun.
    When i did everything i could on that place, I realized it was time to move on...
    I was level 10 I think?
    So I decided to head in  Dawnstar even if I was not allowed to enter.
    No one thought I had survived the Dragon attack so they didn't recognize me.
    I had arragend a bounty on the hold so that when I talked to the guards they would say that "wait I know you..." dialogue and it was really immersive.
    I did the Waking Nightmare quest and reunited with my Dunmer friend, Erandur, when I spoke to Jarl Skald to report, he accepted me as one of them again and later he even made me Thane. 
    The End
    Big Thanks:
    I want thank this comunity for making me do one of the Best Charaters I have ever made, it was a lot of fun making this build, a lot of hard work too but it all makes up for the final result which is this build you have seen.
    Thank You.
    This is a build demonstration I made a while ago and decided to upload it. 
  • Ed
    August 25, 2015
    Loved this. Any frost-based skirmisher is a favourite. Good use of chillrend as well, it'll always be my favourite weapon :D Nice backstory as well, very different to some of the more generic 'family died in a bandit raid' sort of stories. Congrats, +1 from me.
  • August 25, 2015

    Thank you!

    This is my first build here, so what you just said means a lot me.

  • Member
    August 25, 2015
    Cool build, I was thinking that the Pale blade would also be a good weapon for this guy to own and use. Children's was a great blade to have in both Skyrim and Oblivion.
  • August 25, 2015

    Thank you! The reason I did not use the Pale Blade was simply because when a person retrieves it, it gives them hallucinations. Wouldn't want Fyrdir running away like a madman :D  

  • Member
    August 25, 2015
    Yeah. :D
  • Member
    August 25, 2015

    Very cool build and theme. I especially like the rather unique tie-in to The Pale hold. It's not something I ever would've come up with. The roleplay behind it is great, and well written. Also, holy CRAP I never knew how to get Chillrend without joining the Thieves Guild. That is amazing. I might have to integrate this into some of my builds down the line. Well done with this.

  • August 25, 2015
    Thank you Chris! I'm happy you liked the Lore! It took me so many tries to get it right, but once you are on the rigth trail,just keep writing, you don't know what you can actually come up with :D I actually thought people knew how to get Chillrend the "other" way, glad I could help!Thank you again! :)
  • August 26, 2015
    After getting on his feet no.He had go to helgen and after that is when he got his equipment.He even had to go to Riften to get his sword because a thief stole it and kept it in his house.(Mercer Frey)
  • Member
    August 26, 2015
    Okay, before I tell you how much I like your presentation style, I have to know... (speaking of Twinblade Duo) is Andres a sibling or an alter-ego? The presentation style (which I love, btw) is very similar, and you both happen to come from the same place. It's nice to see a pure melee warrior build every once in a while, but you still manage to turn it into a cryomancer of sorts by including the frost shouts... very clever. It also fits nicely into the theme and your chosen hold. Good job! ;D