Your characters backstory.

  • So tell me guys. WHat is your character backstory? Not neccasarily the whole blimen thing just sum it up. Here is the short version of mine. Argonian. Raised in loyalty till the age of 9 when his family where murdered then an old man who was a good warrior taught him how to fight. When he was 18 the old man was captured and wrongly imprisoned and finally. Executed. After that happened he decided to move to skyrim but was too poor to get in there legally. So he was an illegal immegrant you might say. But he was captured and that is where the story begins. (P.S im going to try to avoid the storyline as much as possible so he wont be a draginbourne. And his name is Leaf-tail. I got the name from a book about a birdĀ .


  • Teddy Teddleberg
    Teddy Teddleberg   ·  November 8, 2011
    (Insert Name Here)- Haven't come up with one yet
    My orc is being served justice in form of public execution. He grew up as an orphan, lost his parents to an unknown cause, and grew up with the other lost children and street urchins. He was a...  more
  • Paul Haley
    Paul Haley   ·  November 8, 2011
    My Khajiit short background.Ā 
    I grew up inĀ elsweyr and at an early age my parents began to notice my gifts with the arcane arts, and thus they sent me to train with one of elsweyr's few master magi ( Lore Wise Khajiit aren't particularly gifted in m...  more
  • Tor Blackforge
    Tor Blackforge   ·  November 8, 2011
    Tor Blackforge was born to a minor nobleman who lived in the north of skyrim. His father was a tyrant both to him and his people. The peopleĀ  rebeled, Tor escaped and journeyed to the south. He worked as a mercenary for a few years before hearing about th...  more
  • Batman
    Batman   ·  November 8, 2011
    hey there :) we have a lovely section just for the thing you are after
    the backstory corner has heaps of awesome stories that people have posted if you want to check them out click here