So, what's next?

  • I've had little time lately to play Skyrim, although a part of this has more to do with feeling disappointed with Dawnguard then necessarily being busy (though I am). And just reading about Hearthfire's concept, when modders have done things as extraordinary as Moonpath to Elsweyr, just reinforces the tradition of Bethesda releasing a platform for unpaid modders to one up the competition.

    I'd like to say I'm digressing but this kind of ties in to my lack of character builds at Skyrim Blog, as I've undertaken the mammoth task of trying to develop a mod for Skyrim. Past modding projects have been met with hardship and failure, regardless of game (I've been toying with dev tools and/or editors ever since Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate, and dabbled also in Neverwinter Nights and Arcanum's tools), so I don't have much in the way of high expectations for this one. I'm proud of the story I've came up with - it's a summation of concepts I wanted to explore in other game mods - though it's always the technical side I fail at. Nonetheless, I've written down the basics, am in the process of creating dialogue (it sounds so much better in my mind than it does written) and exploring the possibility to have stat checks as in Fallout, have begun working on two of the areas (actually creating them in the CK) and am caving in at the prospect of what I'd like to do further on.

    Maybe I should stop wanting to create mods the same way Coppola directed Apocalypse Now. I don't want hundreds of arrows flying about, but maybe I need to cut back on having the player fighting giants. Maybe.

    Of course, outside of the mod, I've been playing Dark Souls, finally on my own on PC (my previous experience was jolly cooperation with a friend, the old "pass the gamepad around" way of doing things, or as with DS, taking turns dying). It's as excellent as I remembered. I wish more western devs realized the appeal of this, that not every game needs to be accessible to everyone. I'm actually trying to incorporate some DS aspects into my mod, though this is never as cheap as imitation. It mostly boils down to an isolated world, an air of mystery (or maybe stubborness in revealing everying to players) and ambushes. Storywise it's a different beast altogether.

    In short: this is just a Zulfir Digest of sorts. Maybe I'll get back to DG and give it another chance. If not, well, thanks for all the support for my builds, everyone.


  • Juniorrat
    Juniorrat   ·  September 26, 2012
    Speaking of creating mods, What's going on with project bloodstone?
  • Matt Feeney the New Guy
    Matt Feeney the New Guy   ·  September 25, 2012
    Most Western developers don't try to appeal to a single audience because most video game players here are more casual, and wider audience games are more likely to attract the masses and, in turn, make more money( they are a business after all). Most peopl...  more